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Chaozhou Nanhua Plastic Industry Co., Ltd.

Nanhua Company, located in the industrial zone of Anbu Town, Chaoan District Guangdong Province, was founded on 1st November 2010, with a registered capital of 30 million yuan, covering an area of more than 1.3 hectares. The Company is a comprehensive enterprise for researching/development, production, processing and sales/trading of three-layer co-extrusion casting polypropylene film and plastic materials.
The Company has advanced technical forces with two introduced Mitsubishi CPP cast film production lines(width of 4.5m and 4.2m), equipped with Japanese Toray cutting machine specializing in the production of special CPP materials such as aluminized substrate films, etc, and high-end aluminum plating machine for deep processing, with annual production capacity of more than 12000 tons.
The Company management has passed ISO9001-2008 international quality certification. The Company is market-oriented and manageing procurement, logistics, production, sales, administrative logistics services and other functions on the ERP platform to ensure the compliance of funds, raw materials, finished products and so on. Based on the tenet of "customer first, quality first", the Company is devoted to the health and environmental protection, high quality products and best services to customers at home and abroad.