【苹果正式版发布】 【西藏级地震已致人遇难】 【把岁女乘客扔高速顺风车司机错在哪】 【哪吒东海龙王超帅】 【肖战人物限时预售】 【多方回应入住酒店孩子高烧取外卖难】 【王星越包场支持白鹿新剧】 【苹果正式版发布】 【金晨回应见证孙阳大火】 【四川拟取消应届生身份限制】 【对标】 【刘浩存白衬衫好】 【易烊千玺说接小小的我是闭眼冲】 【刘浩存白衬衫好】 【坚持用改革精神和严的标准管党治党】 【男生地震中背同学跑被奖励公派留学】 【金泰妍演唱会官宣】 【哪吒首支预告】 【苏州寒山寺的腊八粥嘟嘟嘟了】 【刘浩存白衬衫好】 【赞达亚荷兰弟订婚】 【男生地震中背同学跑被奖励公派留学】 【虞书欣北京春晚表演在干嘛呀】 【泰媒称演员王星在缅甸被找到】 【坚持用改革精神和严的标准管党治党】 【西藏今早地震系周边年最大地震】 【肖战人物限时预售】 【上海全款万平米的家】 【杨毅谈樊振东陈梦退世排】 【把岁女乘客扔高速顺风车司机错在哪】 【坚持用改革精神和严的标准管党治党】 【没有发现王星正式出境泰国记录】 【腊八吃什么】 【黑执事少爷长大了】 【肖战人物限时预售】 【把岁女乘客扔高速顺风车司机错在哪】 【对标】 【哪吒东海龙王超帅】 【坚持用改革精神和严的标准管党治党】 【费翔剧透封神第二部】 【没有发现王星正式出境泰国记录】 【多方回应入住酒店孩子高烧取外卖难】 【白月梵星开播】 八大胜·(中国区)官方网站 _潮州博天堂集团股份有限公司


Chaozhou Huafeng Petroleum Products Storage Co. Ltd.

Chaozhou Huafeng Petroleum Products Storage Co., Ltd., located in Raoping County, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province, is mainly engaged in the storage and operation of petroleum products such as liquefied petroleum gas, diesel oil, gasoline, toluene, methanol and so on. The Company is equipped with a terminal of 5000 tons, which can berth oil/gas/chemical vessels with the size of less than 5000 tons, and 14 filling parking spaces (6 for liquefied gas and 8 for other products). 
The Company receives the cargoes by vessel and delivers the products mostly by tank truck, as well as by vessel.. It serves as a petroleum products storage for east Guangdong and the neighboring provinces such as Jiangxi and Fujian.

The total storage capacity is 27000 m³(details please referring to the attachment) as below:
1、LPG storage capacity of 3000m³ (3*1000m³atmospheric pressurized spherical tanks) 
2、Diesel oil capacity of 10000m³(2*5000m³normal temperature and pressurized storage tanks with metal fixed roof)
3、Gasoline capacity of 11000m³(1*5000m³and 2*3000m³normal temperature and pressurized tanks with internal floating roof)
4、Chemical products capacity of 3000m³(1*3000m³normal temperature and pressurized tank with internal floating roof)
The T-shaped wharf is composed of 190m front barge terminal, 490m rear approaching bridge and 40m revetment. The parameters and functions of the berth are as follows:

The wharf is equipped with 2 simple cranes, 5 loading/unloading hoses, 1 monitoring system, bitts, explosion-proof lighting fixtures, 1 interim storage tank (400m³), 4 relay pumps and medium conveying pipes of various  diameters and etc.